Ian Kenrick Jackson was born near Birmingham England.
He studied architecture in Oxford and London.He has worked as a film-maker, designer, artist and writer. He has also taught at art schools in the UK and France
(UWE Bristol, Birmingham City University, ESA Cambrai, ESAM Caen).
He lives and works in Normandy France
2022 Finalist Lensculture Art Photography Awards.
Shortlisted Athens Photo Festival/
Article on 'In Parallel' in Lensculture
2023. Exhibition 'At a distance' La Halle St Aubin Sur Mer France
2024 Image text work 'Raoul de Keyser's Table'
published in Diagram 24.1 USA
This Perfect Place. published by Wrong Editions.
Work selected for the 'The Poieitics of Error'
Curated by Marie Molins
2025. Exhibition The Core Gallery Solihull UK
contact ijfineart@orange.fr